Alex Band - Love

I feel like giving up
Nothing's good enough
A piece of me is gone

But deep within these ashes
There's a healing passion
So I carry on
And somehow I stay strong

'Cause it's love
That keeps us alive
When we're broken down inside

Well, it's you
That I can trust
When there's nothing left
Well, I know I'm blessed, it's love
It's love

Across a hundred seas
A twisted hold on me
Forever will I stay

I've searched all seven oceans
And found that secret potion
That will make it all okay
So open your doors and pray

'Cause it's love
That keeps us alive
When we're broken down inside

Well, it's you
That I can trust
When there's nothing left
Well, I know I'm blessed, it's love
It's love, it's love, it's love

'Cause it's love
That keeps us alive
When we're broken down inside

Well, it's you
That I can trust
When there's nothing left
Well, I know I'm blessed, it's love
(I'm giving up)
(This feels good enough)
(I'm blessed with love)
It's love
(I'm giving up)
(This feels good enough) It's love
(I'm blessed with love)
It's love
(I'm giving up)
(This feels good enough) It's love
(I'm blessed with love)
It's love
(I'm giving up)
(This feels good enough) It's love
(I'm blessed with love)


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