Alex Band - Please 

There's no pleasure without pain
There's no love without hate
Everything you give comes right back to you
But overseeing and space and time
Turning water into wine
There's a power looking down upon us now
But how do i find out
A way to say what i have to say


So please
Please tell me what i need
I'm asking please
Oh please
Tell me what i need to believe

We made fire from the flame
You put out our wicked games
All we wanted was to be close to you

But you're always in control
Pulling strings over our souls
Though we have
We're never alone now
But how do i find out
A way to say what i have to say


If love is a temple
Then hope is a church
That binds everybody like the spine of a book
Through the pages that cannot be turned
If we're here for a reason
Than the reason is ours to know
But to say that it's better to not know and together
We keep living on and weather the storm


If love is a temple ...


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