Alex Band - Cruel One

Love is a cruel one
It's one in a million
Before you know
It'll come and go
By so fast

I climbed the stairs to your hotel
Knew you're there 'cause I could smell
Your scent blowing in the winter

And I opened the door and saw the mess
Among the ruins and distress
I put the pieces back together

Then I found the letter soaked in your perfume
It said you won't be coming back
Anytime soon

Love is a cruel one
It's one in a million
Before you know
It'll come and go
By so fast

Hearts can't be empty
It's elementary
Like a warm loaded gun
Love is a cruel one

Oh, and now a baby's grown inside
You took two souls and then stole mine
What did I do to deserve this?

Like a shot in the dark I'm stumbled
Our perfect world has crumbled
I hold you close for our last kiss

Now all the colors that once shined have turned to white
So I close my eyes and dream of you tonight

Love is a cruel one
It's one in a million
Before you know
It'll come and go
By so fast

Hearts can't be empty
It's elementary
Like a warm loaded gun
Love is a cruel one

Like a warm loaded gun
Like a warm loaded gun
Love is a cruel one
Love is a cruel one


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