The Calling - Just that good

A little paint, to cover what's deep inside
A little truth you know we all want to hide
We'll I'm trying I'm trying now to get to you
But you're telling me like you always do, you say
Don't hate me, cause I'm just that good
I've got to hand it to you now
You're a hard one to please
When it looks as though you've got all you need
And all the many times I've dreamed
I could walk in your shoes,
What a nightmare it must be
Just being you.. say

Don't hate me, Cause I'm just that good
A little misunderstood
You made me, so I'm just that good
Step outside
Everyone I know and see is falling
Is crawling after something maybe,
A bigger house, faster car, never knowing who they are
They're lonely, they're lonely, they're lonely

All this time will take its toll on you
As the same it will on me
Well good ain't all that good's made out to be
Don't hate me, we're all just that good
Just that good


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