The Calling - Unstoppable


Come and lay right on my bed, sit and drink some wine
I'll try not to make you cry
And if you get inside my head, then you'd understand
Then you'd understand me
Why I've felt so alone, why I kept myself from love
And you became my favorite drug
So let me take you right now and swallow you down,
I need you inside

If we had this night together
If we had a moment to ourselves
If we had this night together, then we'd be unstoppable
Do you think that this right, or is it really wrong
I know that this is what we've been wanting
And all this burning in my soul, it fills up to my throat
It fills up 'till my heart is breaking

Now, we can both learn
Somehow, you'll see it's all we have
Love, it keeps us together
And I need love
When I wake up without you, knowing you're not there
I'm only feeling half as good
Well I'm gonna find a way
To wrap you in my arms, you make me feel alive



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