Alex Band — We've All Been There

Here I am
Fighting this war I stand
Wearing these scars on my hands
Everything's going as planned
Cause everyone but me understands

We've all been there
I'm doing what I can (We've all been there)
I'm doing what I can (We've all been there)
Just doing what I can (We've all been there)
Well do you understand?
Oooo ooo ooo (ha ha ha)

Here I go
Walking this long winded road
And I keep walking it all alone
With never really showing what I know
Just taking the time as it flows

We've all been there
I'm doing what I can (We've all been there)
I'm doing what I can (We've all been there)
Just doing what I can (We've all been there)
Well do you understand the way we rise and fall?
We're building just to break apart
All I know is that I have myself
(Ha ha ha)

Here I am
Fighting this war I stand
Wearing these scars on my hands
Everything's going as planned
Cause everyone but me understands

We've all been there
I'm doing what I can (We've all been there)
I'm doing what I can (We've all been there)
Just doing what I can (We've all been there)
Well do you understand the way we rise and fall?
We're building just to break apart
All I know is that I have myself
(Ha ha ha)

I'm doing what I can (We've all been there)
I'm doing what I can (We've all been there)
I'm doing what I can (We've all been there)
Just doing what I can (We've all been there)
I'm doing what I can (We've all been there)
I'm doing what I can (We've all been there)
I'm doing what I can (We've all been there)
Just doing what I can (We've all been there)


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