Alex Band - The Lost Boy 

On my feet I crawl
Blame it on what I saw
(blame it on what I saw)
Growing up in LA
Blame it on how I was raised
(blame it on how I was raised


I never knew it could take so long
To understand my own song
Well who am I?
The lost boy
Trapped inside
The lost boy
I never learned how to love
Never tried hard enough
Now I'm falling down
Like little toy soldiers
Tell me I'm the lost boy

This family trees been burned and bartered
Blame it on my father
(blame it on my father)
But all is fair in love and war
So blame it on my mother
(blame it on my mother)


I never knew it could take so long
To understand my own song
Yeah, Who am I?
The lost boy
Trapped inside
The lost boy
I never learned how to love
Never tried hard enough
Now I'm falling down
Like little toy soldiers
Tell me I'm the lost boy

I prayed for all the things I missed
When I slowly kissed my childhood goodbye
I'm plagued with the darkest dreams
Well it always seems I wear the wings of angels

Well who am I
The lost boy
Trapped inside
The lost boy
I Never learned how to love
Never tried hard enough
So now I'm falling down
Like little toy soldiers

Tell me
Who am i
The lost boy
Trapped inside
The lost boy
I never learned how to love
Never tried hard enough
Now I'm falling down
Like little toy soldiers
Tell me I'm the Lost Boy

The lost boy
Yeah...the lost boy
I'm the lost boy
The lost boy.....


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