Alex Band - Sometimes We All Must Bleed 

A young girl of 16 years
Looked out her window
And somehow just let go
Her world came crashing down
When something she lost
now could not be found

With every door we close
Another one opens
Letting each of us know
Forever these pages will turn
With lessons we will learn


Tomorrow will be better
To face these times together
The chances we'll keep taking
If not our hearts will break
And sometimes we all must bleed
To find out what we need

One lady had had her fill
She carried the ashes burning in her still
Wind blew out across the sea
Speading the love now gone from this family

With every door we close
Another one opens
Letting each of us know
Forever these pages will turn
With lessons we will learn

Tomorrow will be better
To face these times together
The chances we'll keep taking
If not our hearts will break
And sometimes we all must bleed
To find out what we need
Sometimes we all must bleed
To find out what we need

Out of her skin
Over the crowd
Flying above she just wants to scream out
She starts to let go
Well now she can see
There's more to life than she ever believed

A young girl of 16 years
Looked out her window
and somehow just let go
her world came crashing down when
something she lost now could not be found

Tomorrow will be better
To face these times together
The chances we'll keep taking
If not our hearts will break

And sometimes we all must bleed
To find out what we need
Sometimes we all must bleed
To find out what we need
Sometimes we all must bleed
To find out what we need


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