
So, here we are, all alone
As the wine makes you mine for the night And hard is the way that we breathe
In, out, we're moving
Around with the dirt on the floor
I know what I lack is devotion
And I can't fight this off anymore


We'll go surrender to the night
We won't look back at our lives
And when you sleep, I'll be there
To kiss your lips, to breathe your air
Right or wrong, it must go on
After this night, we'll leave it all behind

Two hearts beat as one
As I open my eyes
Well do you want me to keep going?
Cause I have already come all undone


Now she's calling
And it hurts me to go
Away from my favourite addiction
There's no way that she'll ever know

We'll go surrendering to our lives
When you sleep, I'll be there
To kiss your lips, to breathe your air
Right or wrong, it can't go on
After this night, we'll leave it all behind
But I'm still feeling
Drawn to you
In my dreams
So it seems
The man in me always
Gets his way
Never pays
For what he's done
I need you now love, love, love
I crave you now love, love, love


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