Shape of your heart

I see the glow, the lights on the street
I feel the cold of an old distant memory
Where she left and he tried
To stop the clock. find a way to rewind
Back to the streets, it all began
They fell in love made flesh from blood
Then she just up and ran

One chance, you only get one chance

We will fall apart
Everyone has their day in the dark
We will fall apart
Sooner or later we forget who we are
We will fall apart
It's only after the storm
That you finally learn
The shape of your heart
The shape of your heart

A little girl, an older man
A dirty secret she's been keeping
Could never understand
Now a woman. she knows who to blame
She sees his face in every man and calls out his name

We will fall apart
Everyone has their day in the dark
We will fall apart
Sooner or later we forget who we are
We will fall apart
It's only after the storm
That you finally learn
The shape of your heart

Dream on, dream on
Don't stop
Just keep on, keep on
It's all in your hands
Cause every time you fall
The stronger you stand

One chance, you only get one chance
One chance, you only get one chance

We will fall apart
Everyone has their day in the dark
We will fall apart
Sooner or later we forget who we are
We will fall apart
We will fall apart
Everyone has their day in the dark
We will fall apart
Sooner or later we forget who we are
We will fall apart
It's only after the storm
Once you're beaten and burned
That's when you get in return
All you've given to learn
 The shape of your heart



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