The Calling - We're forgiven

Well I would like to think
The world hasn't seen
That all the best is still to come,
And I know life ain't easy
I pass then sleeping on the streets
Their bloodstained hands and dirty feet
And I can't ignore them
Any more than I already have

So we laugh, and we smile
And we play our games of sweet denial
But don't tell me we're forgiven
If we hold, all our breath
If we kneel right down and just repent
You can't tell me we're forgiven
Start with me
I cannot lie
When my heart doesn't follow my eyes
Turn away, from all the suffering
That surrounds
Our time on this earth
For some their life has been a curse
I say I'm sorry and I should change
You know it just could be me someday

There's no way outa here
I don't wanna die, and leave it all behind
Each day a part of me disappears
Who am I to judge, what's been sent from above?

We can't laugh, we can't smile
When so much just ain't right
It can't go on forever..
If we hold, our breath
If we kneel right down and repent,
You can't tell me we're forgiven, no,
You can't tell me we're forgiven


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