Alex Band - Fame

Your heart is like a big hotel
You let all in, but out you sell
A prince upon your Velcro seat
You are, gone before we get the chance to meet…


Cause it's fame
Before you they will kneel
Yes it's fame
And the more you steal, the less you feel

All you touch it turns to gold
Gold to buy the people you've already sold
Up upon your pedestal
Looking down over the world,
You are the lies we take as truth…


Cause it's fame
Before you they will kneel
Yes it's fame
And the more you steal, the less you feel

Everybody knows your name
Fame, Fame
Everybody knows your name

Fame, Fame,

Fame, Fame,
Everybody knows your name


Cause it's fame
Before you they will kneel
Yes it's fame
And the more you steal, the less you feel

Fame, Everybody knows your name
Fame, Fame, Everybody knows your name


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