Get up

As I watch the setting sun
Today has come and gone
Just like every yesterday becomes
Tell myself that I'm okay
That tomorrow things may change
Just as long as I keep moving on and on and staying strong
Start me up I'll never stop

Get up, get up
Get off your knees
Get up, get up
Get on your feet, now
Give it all you've got
Come on and get up, get up

Through all the mistakes that I have made
Through the times felt myself fade
God I wish I would've stayed
Just another chance, I didn't take
Now all these thoughts in my head
What I feel, what I've said
What I know that I've got to let go
Before this hurt takes control
Of my body and soul
Slipping away. I'm slipping away
Start me up once and I'll never stop

Get up, get up
Get off your knees
Get up, get up
Get on your feet, now
Give it all you've got
Come on and get up, get up

Laying here under the stars
Wondering what we all are
See nothing really matters
When your hearts been hurt or shattered
Whatever you do
It comes back to you

Get up, get up
Get off your knees
Get up, get up
Get on your feet, now
Give it all you've got
Come on and get up, get up

Don't give up. just get up



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