Alex Band - Last Goodbye

I turn the page
My story ends
I say goodbye to all my friends
I know it's getting late
Now the light is on my face
I changed the clocks back again
And ask forgiveness for my sins
Cause I don't know where I'll go
Well this is all that I really know

I'll keep holding on
I'll keep singing my song
It gets me through it
I've got the scars to prove it
Well I know the road is long
But I'm staying strong
So don't cry
Cause this is not my last goodbye

I'm finding out the hardest way
You learn before you fall from grace
In shadows we can grow
We are the seeds we sow
Through every single hour fades
From sand to stone and rock to clay
It's bittersweet this symphony
Enjoy the gift that's given to you and me

I'll keep holding on
I'll keep singing my song
It gets me through it
I've got the scars to prove it
Well I know the road is long
But I'm staying strong
So don't cry
Cause this is not my last goodbye

The red rain is pouring down
And now my feet don't touch the ground
I'm lost between the stars and moons
I will see you soon

I turn the page
My story ends
I say goodbye to all my friends
I know it's getting late
Now the light is on my face
I changed the clocks back again
And ask forgiveness for my sins
Cause I don't know where I'll go
Well this is all that I really know

I'll keep holding on
I'll keep singing my song
It gets me through it
I've got the scars to prove it
Well I know the road is long
But I'm staying strong
So don't cry
Cause this is not my last goodbye

Let me play for you
Let this heart ring true
One more time
Just one more time


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