The Calling - Nothing's Changed

It was a day just like this
In a life of our times
Shrugging signs there's no chance for us
It's not mine to decide
You never listened to what I said
you never thought I'd succeed
And though I've given you all I can
You show no faith in me

And I remember, and I recall
And I can see that nothing's changed at all
Though we falter, we don't have to fall
And I can see that nothing's changed at all
Even when I was you
And the pressure was on
You always told me to do my thing
So what the hell went wrong

An outcast coming home, opinions stay the same
They'll spit them out and spin me right back through the door
The louder that we scream, the more invisible we seem
Is it gonna last forever
Now I'm learning the lies
From the skies where they reign
Can't find shelter for myself
And you're all to blame



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